Friday, April 30, 2010

FREE kids fun run - brought to Kids' Day by Pumpkinman Triathlon

Word just in from Pumpkinman Triathlon Race Director, Kat Donatello, "The Pumpkin Kids Fun Run courses were designed today. For children 5 and under the course will be 1/10 of a mile (half a loop and a run down the shute), for children 6-8 the course will be 1/3 of a mile (one loop and a run down the shute) and for 9-11 the course will be 1/2 mile (two loops and a run down the shute)!! ..."

Thanks to Bob's Sporting Goods & Trophies, P Gagnon & Son, & The Pumpkinman Triathlon participants in the FREE Kids' Fun Run will be receiving a free t'shirt, sports bottle, race bib, and a race medalion.

Don't forget to send in your application - you can download it at their website.

FREE Popcorn, Canvas Tote Bags, and games & prizes.

York Hospital is always there when you need them. They are coming back in a major way to the 2nd annual South Berwick Eliot Rotary Kids Day in South Berwick. In addition to sponsoring the official Kids' Day free tote bag they are also giving away FREE popcorn all day and hosting games and prizes. Please make sure you stop on by their table at Kids' Day!

Tree of Life - North Berwick Farmer's Market

The North Berwick Farmer's Market will be bringing an amazing "Tree of Life" craft/activity for kids to take part in and learn about eating and growing good food.

FREE Cotton Candy!

Need we say more?

Brought to you by The Strawberry Festival Committee

Thursday, April 29, 2010

ChildLight Yoga

ChildLight Yoga returns for a second year, offering a playful yoga class for the whole family. Kids of all ages stretched, breathed and giggled through Lisa Flynn's class last year (see photo) and they are excited to come back for more. This year, all class participants will receive a special gift.

ChildLight Yoga also offers classes, summer camps and other programs for kids of all ages around the seacoast, so it is a great chance to meet with her, gather information information, and ask some questions!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Under the Big Top!! - Kids' Day 2010 has TENTS!!

Thanks to the incredible donations from The South Berwick Children's Leadership Council, Marshall Rental Center, Sperry Tents, and Belle Peppers II on Pease we will be able to offer two huge white tents to position on the front of Central School lawn to offer you either some cool shade, or a dry retreat. We are sure it will be the first of course! It's hard for us to believe the incredible support we are receiving from not only local & seacoast businesses but also non profit groups are share our vision in creating a day that is not about the money - spent or made. THANK YOU!

PB & J back by popular demand - Kids' Day 2010

The Class of 2012 is bringing back their pb & j's to Kids' Day, this year with a special twist! What a great alternative for something on the go - They will have healthy snacks to boot!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

ChildLight Yoga - A free 1/2 hour of Family Led Yoga

For a second year, ChildLight Yoga will be offering a free 1/2 hour of family led yoga under the tent at Kids' Day. A great way to take a breather during the day.

Calling all Pastry Chefs - are you a kid who likes cookies?

Clubhouse Kids is coming back to Kids'Day with delicious FREE cookie decorating!

Clubhouse Kids is a before and after school program located right in the cafeteria at Central School! We welcome kids ages 5- 11 years old. We are open from 6:30 to 8:30am and from 3:00-6:00pm. Drop-in hours as well as contracted hours are available. We also operate on Early Release Days. Summer Camp information will be out soon! An eight week calendar with fun field trips and theme weeks will be available. For more information on our program you can contact Shelly Vetter at 384-2533 or 837-0479.

Fairy House Author to appear at Kids' Day 2010

Tracy Kane, author of Fairy Houses and numerous others is coming to Kids Day 2010!! We couldn't be more excited. She will be reading one of her stories as well as build fairy houses with kids throughout Central School Gardens. Tracey has a new book coming out for kids ages 8-12 check out her website.

When's the last time you sat under a shady tree and listened to a banjo in South Berwick?

Leona Hosack, a South Berwick resident, will be a featured musician at our Entertainment Under the Tent singing and sharing her amazing talents on guitar, banjo, and dulcimer! Families will love moving and singing along to some wonderful music with Leona. Be sure to join us!

Another talent Leona has is being a skilled Silhouette artist. Leona will be offering a discounted price on her beautiful, instant hand-cut paper silhouettes. Normally $10.00, Leona is offering a Kids’ Day special of only $5.00. Come see her amazing work!

L'ecole de Nicole - is back with FRENCH CRAFTS

Parles Vous Francais? Well at least I pretend to sometimes...Here is an amazing opportunity to introduce your children to a second language, French. Nicole will be back to Kids' Day for her second year with exciting French crafts for kids of all ages. Kids of all ages adored her puppet last year. Nicole also teaches french locally and it is a great chance to meet with her and ask her some questions!

Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Drinks, & Ice Cream Sundaes - all brought to you by the SBRELL

Who can forget last year at Kids' Day when the smell of grilled burgers and dogs made its way down to the Central School lawn? SBRELL, South Berwick Rollinsford Eliot Little League volunteers headed up by Joyce Lebel cooked up a feast that is not quickly forgotten. It was the perfect addition to the day and they even figured out a way to offer Sundaes. The prices were amazing and all proceeds went to all the young ball players in our community.

SBRELL was the first of our last years participants to register for 2010 and we couldn't be happier. So whether you decide to pack a picnic or grab a burger by SBRLL you are sure to not walk away hungry for the day.

3rd Grade Class to take part in Kids' Day - helping to boost awareness and attendance at Counting House Museum

Mrs. Bousquets' 3rd Grade Class is excited to be a part of Kids' Day 2010. They will be setting up a table to help build awareness, attendance, and excitement around one of our community's hidden gems, The Counting House Museum. Please make sure to stop by their site and discover what they have come up with. Below is more information on how they became involved with such a great project.

To learn more about the Counting House Museum visit them online!

Service Learning Project

Counting House Museum

This fall, a group of teachers in our district attended a workshop to learn about service learning in the classroom. Service learning is unique in that the children enter an actual partnership with someone in the community to solve an existing problem. Thus, service! At the same time, the work the students do must be related to the curriculum and the goals for learning for the grade level. Thus, learning!

The Old Berwick Historical Society (OBHS) contacted our classroom to assist with the problem of under usage of the Counting House Museum by families in the community. Our task will be to facilitate awareness of this amazing resource. At the same time, the students will gain a better understanding of our town’s history and increase their knowledge of the changes that have occurred as the town has grown to what it is today (3rd grade curriculum).

Thus far, we have had a visitor from the society visit our class, introducing the problem and what they hope to achieve (more families visiting the museum). The children decided that they needed some background information about the museum in order to choose a plan. They worked in groups to brainstorm questions relevant to our goal.

On Wednesday, we will be traveling to the Counting House Museum. The children will tour the museum and interview a museum spokesperson, asking the important questions they have.

Upon our return, the children will use the knowledge they’ve gained from our visit to think about possible ideas we might pursue. They will compare and contrast these ideas to determine which will best meet the goal of informing the public of the museum, resulting in more visitors. Next, they’ll work together to carry out their plan. Evaluating and analyzing their work will be ongoing. Higher-level thinking skills and problem solving strategies will be inherent in this project and will be in a meaningful context, as this is a real-life problem we’re working on! The excitement level in our classroom is high as we get ready to work!!!

Kathy Bousquet, 3rd grade teacher - Central School